

Human activity including inorganic farming technique over the years has led to the huge presence of inorganic molecules in the soil leading to the decline of “Water Holding Capacity (WHC) and general health of the soil”. This has led to the decrease of microbial activities in the soil, which has rendered our soil infertile. Soil Water Holding Capacity is a term that all farmers should know to optimize crop production.

Need I remind us that since the Health of Humans is directly related to the Health of the Soil, we must therefore care for soil health as much as we would want to care for our health?

According to the Australian Government scientific research agency; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - CSIRO, over 200,000 soil measurements from around the world were used to calculate that the top two metres of soil globally holds about 2.3 trillion tons of inorganic carbon. This is about five times more than the Organic Carbon found in all the world’s terrestrial vegetation. It is projected that 1% of this figure, that is 23 Billion tons of the Inorganic Carbon may be released in the next 30 years with poorly understood devastating effects on Earth’s lands, Waters and Atmosphere.

Importance of Organic Matter In The Soil:
Sustainable Soil health remediation is only possible by infusing organic matter into the soil. Organic Matter (OM) remains the SOUL of the Soil. The more presence Organic Matter is in the Soil the more Organic Carbon is released into the Soil and the more the Water Holding Capacity of the Soil increases. It is established that 1% of Organic Matter infused into the Soil increases the Water Holding Capacity of the Soil to up to 16,500 gallons and more per acre of the Farmland up to 1 foot deep. n.

How Then Do We Handle This?
Time, they say, is money. As such, Farmers are neither able to wait for 90 days for their fallen plant parts and other waste materials to decompose into organic manure, nor are they willing to go through the process of preparing other forms of organic manure for use on their Farmlands. Even at that, where would farmers access such quantity of organic manure to use on their tens, hundreds and thousands of Hectares of Farmland? Even when a Farmer has the capacity to apply Organic Manure to his or her Farmland, the Farmer still needs to know the health status of the soil in order to determine the amount of organic fertilizer to apply. Therefore, the question to African Farmers is, what is the health status of your Farmland?

The above questions are now answerable through advanced innovative technologies birthed by Hightech Agriculum Pvt Limited, India.

Hightech Agriculum Click Hereis an Agricultural Innovative technology company that prides itself in achieving several firsts, including the first to grow rice in the Desert of UAE for the Royal Family of Dubai, Click Here, first to invent a mobile Instant Organic Manure Making Machine called “Bhusiri” Click Here and first to invent a portable Instant Soil Health Analyzer called “Bhumitra,” Click Here among other firsts.
Hightech Agriculum led by Dr Hegde Nagaraj Click Here earned several “Worldwide Achivers Awards” in Agricultural Innovative Technology Solutions. Click Here
Farmers Can Now Know The Health Status Of Their Farmland Instantly: For farmers to be able to manage the health of their farmlands, they have to first know the nutritional health status of their Farmlands. Soil health analysis which used to be time consuming, from sample collection to testing and data collection, has now been made instantaneous by the introduction of Instant Soil Health Analyzer called “Bhumitra” Click Here, a product of Hightech Agriculum Pvt Limited.
“Bhumitra” analyses Soil using 23 Parameters. Click Here. After analysis, each parameter takes 30 seconds to analyze and in a maximum time of 15 minutes, the entire analysis of the Soil is complete with 99.99% accuracy. The data collected is then fed into the Instant Organic Manure Maker, (Bhusiri) Click Here through the Bluetooth before manure making process begins.
Effective Soil Health Management:
In a bid to help Humanity achieve sustainable organic farming technique by rejuvenating the soil using organic matter, Hightech Agriculum developed a mobile Instant Organic Manure Maker called “Bhusiri” which is first of its kind in the world. Click Here
Bhusiri is able to decompose and convert plant litter or Agricultural wastes (plant wastes) into 'intelligent', tailor-made organic manure in three minutes and in situ on the Farmland of the Farmer.
Bhusiri Machine, which operates on two technologies; Artificial Intelligence and Nano Science is equipped with the Instant Soil Health Analyzer (Bhumithra)/ Laboratory making it possible for the Organic Manure Maker (Bhusiri) to output 'intelligent', tailor-made organic manure that addresses nutritional deficiencies in the soil. Click Here
Advantages Of BHUSIRI/BHUMITHRA Over Conventional Organic Manure Making Process:
1. Bhusiri is Mobile, so can be moved from one Farmer’s Farmland to another producing organic manure in situ for Farmers. Click Here 2. ⁠Apart from the organic nano enzyme, which costs only $2. 68 to produce 1 ton of Organic Manure, the basic raw material; plant wastes are free. 3. ⁠Bhusiri produces an 'intelligent', tailor-made organic manure in situ that addresses the Nutritional deficiencies in the Soil. 4. ⁠Bhusiri saves time, energy, and reduces the cost of labour or manpower for the production of organic manure 5. ⁠Cost of Maintaining Bhusiri is low. 6. ⁠With Bhusiri equipped with Laboratory/Bhumithra, Farmers will know the health status of their Soil before producing organic manure that suits their soil. 7. ⁠The organic manure is in pellet form so can be stored for a very long time.
Effective Plant Health Management:
Since the advent of inorganic farming techniques 70 - 50 years ago, humanity has been consuming foods that are not only unsafe and toxic, but are nutritionally deficient, making the foods non-functional. Click Here.
Life Expectancy continues to decline even in the United States in recent times Click Here and worse in Africa due to the “Poisonous Foods” and Non-nutritional foods we consume, which infest humans with all manner of diseases and sicknesses. Cancer has been on the increase because our plants (crops) absorb heavy metals from Inorganic Fertilizers and Pesticides, which are carcinogens. Pesticides and Insecticides are toxins in our foods as they too are laced with heavy metals, which the Human Body is not able to process leading to all manner of ailments including cancer. Click Here
What Then Is The Solution?
Plants are likened to humans in the sense that they need to be fed with the right nutrients; (macronutrients and micronutrients). Plants derive these nutrients from the soil but whereby the soil lacks the requisite nutrients, particularly the micronutrients, the Farmer is left with no other choice than to feed the plants (crops) with micronutrients. These micronutrients, which are food to the plants are fed through the systemic process. Systemic process entails 'feeding' the plant through the stomata (mouth) of the leaves of the plant preferably during the day when the photosynthesis is taking place in the chloroplasts (cell kitchen) of the plant and also intake of nutrients through the root hairs/root system when applied in the Soil. It was the lack of these micronutrients and other useful components in our soil and in our plants that precipitated Hightech Agriculum Pvt Limited to invent and patent over 87 “Plant Growth Boosters” which are Safe, Non-toxic and Eco-friendly. Click Here
Hightech Agriculum “Plant Growth Boosters” infuse the requisite micronutrients and other useful components into crops and consequently increase the yield of crops to between 18% to 80% and up to 200% and above depending on the health of the soil.
Research shows that up to 60% of crop's yield is dependent on soil fertility. Setting the foundation for healthy soils provides greater crop productivity and sustains the land for generations to come. By managing soils differently than what has been done in the past, value can be added to not just a single growing season or field, but impact long-term soil health, allowing for higher yields year after year. Click Here. This is why Africa and the rest of the world should embrace Hightech Agriculum instant manure making intervention called “Bhusiri” for soil health remediation.
Hightech Agriculum has so far sent out its “Plant Growth Booster” samples to its Sole Agents across Africa Click Here , applied the “Plant Growth Boosters” to some crops including a cotton field in Mali Click Herein line with the Protocols provided by Hightech Agriculum Click Here . And the result was excellent as evidenced in the video. Click Here
The Hightech Agriculum Protocols for the application of its Plant Growth Boosters to crops should be adhered to in order to achieve maximum efficacy of the Boosters on the crops. Hightech Agriculum has developed protocols for over 100 crops and at liberty to develop protocols for any crop that is not listed here Click Here
It’s also worthy of note that Hightech Agriculum reserves in its kitty, organic, safe and eco-friendly Insecticides and Pesticides which are capable of repelling insects and pests from crops no matter how stubborn they are. This is evidenced in this photo which shows heavy presence of Thrips and Cotton Aphids Click Here. And after applying our Agriguard -L, the Thrips and Cotton Aphids disappeared from the cotton field as evidenced in the this photo Click Here
Apart from Agriguard L, Hightech Agriculum has other insects, pets and disease management products like “Sumo-L” and “Shoot” for Insects and pests management while “Mr Phos” and “Hume Magic” are for Disease management. Hightech Agriculum Plant Growth Boostsers are safe and eco-friendly Click Here. Some Universities and Colleges of Agriculture in India have also carried out their independent certification of Hightech Agriculum Plant Growth Booster products Click Here
Indeed if you give the plant what it needs, the plant will give you what you need. Plants too need healthy foods (nutrients) and health care to be able to produce safe and functional foods for humanity. For this reason, Hightech Agriculum introduced and launched first of its kind the World, Plant Health Care Center called “Agri Clinica” Click Here
Agric Clinica is a one-stop-shop solution to Agronomical challenges. Click Here Agri Clinica is going to be replicated across Africa and across the Globe to attend to Farmer's Plants (crops) health needs.

With the above Agricultural innovative interventions, Africa and indeed Humanity will have no challenge transiting from inorganic farming techniques to organic and sustainable farming.

Maazi Obinna Agommuo
Director for Africa and Exclusive Principal Distributor,
Hightech Agriculum Pvt Limited.