High Tech Agriculum, is an attempt to protect the quality of nature and secure the rights of farmers. We believe, being a part of the society, it is our responsibility to do our bit to preserve and maintain the balance in our ecosystem. Vedic form of agricultural practices recognizes and respects the relationship we have with our environment. Being organic means, we shun the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides to maintain the superior quality of our products.
Though we are situated in Bengaluru, India we are recognized for our products in the food supplement sector all over the world. Several countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, America, and Australia find our efforts appealing and use it extensively.
Nature has and continues to provide us with everything we need to be alive. It is high time we return the gesture.
Dr.NagarajHegde is the founder, chairman & Managing Director of High Tech Agriculumhead quartered in Bengaluru. He is also spearheading other companies like Dr.HegdeNanoculum Inc.; a company specialized in Nano-Technology in agriculture, Agriculum International, A dedicated to help the plantation farmers.
Dr.NagarajHegde is a Biochemical Visionary who has created highly successful plant specific and patented formulations which are survived through his brand “Dr.Hegde”. These formulations (Nutrition tonic for plants) are proven to be superior in quality and outcome consistently over years being used in over 19 countries. He is been dedicatedly working in Agriculture, Research and Development to create the state of art methods that energies Agriculture without causing harm to the soil and mankind.
Dr. Hegde Strongly believes and has adapted “YadBhavam Thad Bhavathi” as his main philosophy. Things happen the way we think. Let’s think to make the world the safe place to eat. Safe and Functional food is the fundamental need for every living being.
Dr.Hedge has established a Company headquartered, in Bengaluru, India, since the year 2000, High Tech AgriculumPvt. Ltd since 2000, a pioneer of Safe and Functional way of agriculture is been dedicated to scientific, ethical and Safe Agriculture. Dr.Hegde`s vision for Non-Toxic earth and poison free food for all is fast becoming a reality. Through High Tech Agriculum and Dr Hege Branded harmful chemical free formulation for Plants will making the future of agriculture is Safe – Toxin Free food, functional – Safe for consumption and vibrant –high yield for food security.
Dr. Nagaraj Hegde is a Biochemical Visionary who has created highly successful plant specific and patented formulations which are survived through his brand “Dr.Hegde”.
Maazi Obinna Agommuo is a Pan-Africanist with a reputation for promoting African economic growth and development